Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Lindsayomyrtus racemoides (Greves) Craven

Craven, L.A. (1990) Australian Systematic Botany 3(4): 731.
Penda, Daintree; Daintree Penda
Calyx lobes rounded but rather indistinct. Petals variable in shape, quite large, about 8-10 mm long. Anthers +/- bilobed with a conspicuous gland in the emarginate apex.
Fruits very variable, 3-lobed when perfectly developed, but frequently reduced to a two or 1-lobed condition. Calyx persistent at the base but insignificant. Fruits up to 20 x 30 mm. Seeds variable, often about 15-20 x 10-15 mm, testa thin and membranous. Cotyledons marked by oil glands.
Cotyledons +/- orbicular, about 10-17 x 20-24 mm, thick and fleshy, without venation. Usually 2 cataphylls just above the cotyledons. First true leaves elliptical, midrib raised on the upper surface. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade elliptic to obovate, apex acuminate, base cuneate, glabrous, veins about 15-25 each side of the midrib, midrib depressed on the upper surface; new growth dark bluish purple. Seed germination time 7 to 32 days.
Occurs in NEQ, restricted to the area between Cooktown and Innisfail. Altitudinal range from sea level to 200 m. Grows in well developed lowland rain forest often in close proximity to watercourses. Also occurs in the Moluccas, New Guinea and New Britain.
This tree has potential in horticulture at least in the tropics. The new growth flushes are deep purple and the profusion of flowers are cream with prominent yellow stamens.