Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Macaranga polyadenia Pax & K.Hoffm.

Pax, F.A. & Hoffmann, K. (1919) Das Pflanzenreich Heft 68 Addit. 6 : 25. Type: Papuasische Provinz: Neu-Guinea, Kaiser Wilhelmsland, Aprilflus, gangbarer Urwald, 100 m (Ledermann n. 8664!, 8677!).
Prop roots often present at the base of the stem.
Numerous reddish scales or glands visible with a lens on the underside of the leaf blade. Twig pith producing a watery exudate which turns pink or red on exposure. Two or more flat or slightly raised glands visible on the upper surface of the leaf blade, at the base, just prior to its junction with the petiole. Leaf blades about 9-19 x 6.5-9 cm.
Capsules +/- smooth or granular, covered with numerous yellow glands. Seeds globular, about 2.5 mm diam.
Cotyledons ovate to elliptic, about 4-8 mm long, hairy on the upper surface. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade linear to ovate, apex acuminate, base auriculate, margins dentate, upper surface hairy along the midrib, undersurface with numerous red glands; stipules linear-oblong, hairy; petiole and terminal bud clothed in white or pale hairs. Seed germination time 18 to 68 days.