Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Malvastrum chillagoense Domin

Domin, K. (1928) Bibliotheca Botanica 89(4): 940. Type: Nord-Queensland: Auf dem Karstkalkhugel Lions Head Bluff bei Chillagoe sehr verbreitet (DOMIN II. 1910). Holo: PR.
Usually flowers and fruits as a herb but can grow into a shrub about 1 m tall.
Pedicels short, about 0.5-1 mm long. Flowers about 7-8 mm diam. Epicalyx segments about 3-4, each about 3-4 mm long. Calyx about 3.5-6 mm long, outer surface densely clothed in long, simple prostrate hairs and much shorter stellate hairs. Petals about 7-8 mm long. Stamens about 15-20, staminal tube about 2-5 mm long, filaments about 0.7-0.8 mm long, anthers wider than long opening upwards. Pollen grains minutely spinulose. Ovary 7-10-locular. Style with about 7-10 branches.
Fruits about 3-4 mm diam., surrounded by the persistent stellate hairy calyx, each fruit consisting of about 7-9 mericarps. Seeds about 2 x 1-1.5 mm, testa leathery. Cotyledons folded or rolled, about 2 mm long.
Cotyledons orbicular, about 6-8 mm diam., petioles about as long as the cotyledon blade. First pair of leaves cordate to orbicular, margins crenate, each 'tooth' with an aristate tip. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade triangular to ovate, about 55 x 35 mm, apex apiculate, base obtuse to cordate, margin crenate to dentate, petiole about 10 mm long. Stipules filiform, hairy, about 4-5 mm long. Stem, petiole and both the upper and lower surfaces of the leaf blade densely clothed in white stellate hairs. Seed germination time 122 days.