Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
A family of about 70 genera and 400 species, pantropic; 12 genera occur naturally in Australia.
Carronia - A genus of four species in New Guinea and Australia; three species occur naturally in Australia. Forman (1986).
Cissampelos - A genus of 20-25 species, pantropic; one species occurs naturally in Australia. Forman (1986).
Hypserpa - A genus of about six species in Asia, Malesia, Australia and the Pacific islands; four species occur naturally in Australia. Forman (1986).
Legnephora - A genus of about five species in Malesia, Australia and the Pacific islands; one species occurs naturally in Australia. Forman (1986).
Pachygone - A genus of about ten species in Asia, Malesia, Australia and the Pacific islands; two species occur naturally in Australia. Forman (1986).
Parapachygone - A monotypic genus endemic to Queensland.
Pleogyne - A monotypic genus endemic to eastern Qld. Cooper & Cooper (2004); Forman (2007); Harden et al. (2014); Kessler (1993).
Pycnarrhena - A genus of nine species in Asia, Malesia and Australia; two species occur naturally in Australia. Forman (1986).
Sarcopetalum - A monotypic genus in New Guinea and Australia. Forman (1986).
Stephania - A genus of about 35-40 species in Africa, Asia, Malesia, Australia and the Pacific islands; about four or five species occur naturally in Australia. Forman (1986).
Tiliacora - A genus of about 20 or more species in Africa, Asia, Malesia and Australia; one species occurs naturally in Australia. Forman (1986).
Tinospora - A genus of more than 30 species in Africa, Madagascar, Asia, Malesia, Australia and the Pacific islands; four species occur naturally in Australia. Forman (1986).
Cooper, Wendy & Cooper, William T. (2004) Fruits of the Australian tropical rainforest, Nokomis Publications, Clifton Hill, Vic.
Forman, L.L. (1986). Menispermaceae. In 'Flora Malesiana.' Ser. 1, Vol. 10, (Kluwer: Dordrecht.), pp. 157-253.
Forman, L.L. in Wilson, A.J.G. (ed.) (2007), Menispermaceae. Flora of Australia 2: 368.
Harden, G.J., Nicholson, H.R.W., McDonald, W.J.F., Nicholson, N.J., Tame, T. & Williams, J. (2014). Rainforest Plants of Australia. Rockhampton to Victoria. Gwen Harden Publishing.
Kessler, P.J.A., (1993). Menispermaceae. In Kubitzki, K, Rohwer, J.G., Bittrich, V. Dr .(eds), The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. Flowering Plants Dicotyledons. Magnoliid, Hamamelid and Caryophyllid Families. (Springer-Verlag: Berlin). Vol. 2, pp. 402-418.