Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Mezoneuron nitens (F.Muell. ex Benth.) R.Clark & Gagnon
Clark, R.P. (2016) Phytotaxa 274(1): 33-34.
Sprawling shrub or woody vine with stems several metres long; stipules 2, free, lanceolate, falling early; buds and young stems hairy; stems becoming glabrous; stems, rachises of leaves and inflorescence axes bearing prickles, straight or curved, 2 - 10mm long; stems later having corky flanges.
Bipinnate, alternate, 60 - 200mm long; ‘stipules’ at base of leaflets prickly; leaf comprising 2 - 5 primary leaflets, each consisting of 2 - 5 pairs of secondary leaflets; petiole 10 - 35mm; laminas broad-ovate, 10 - 30mm by 5 - 15mm, entire; upper surface glossy dark-green; paler below; pinnately veined with 5 - 8 main laterals each side of midrib, distinct but faint both surfaces.
Features not available.
Caesalpinia nitens (F.Muell. ex Benth.) Pedley, Austrobaileya 5(1): 99 (1997). Pterolobium nitens F.Muell. ex Benth., Flora Australiensis 2: 279 (1864), Type: AUSTRALIA: Queensland, Mt. Mueller, near Edgecombe Bay, 12 Deca. 1863, J. Dallachy s.n., MEL (MEL48871!).