Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Miconia nervosa Triana

Triana, J.J. (1871) Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 28(1): 111. Type: .
Scrambling shrub to 3 m tall.
Leaves to 25 cm long, covered with long, dense pinkish hairs. Undersurface paler green. The prominent mid vein is joined by two arching main veins just above the leaf base and meet at the leaf tip. Intramarginal vein also present. Lateral veins (between three main veins) at 90 degrees.
Immature fruit orange, turning blue-purple when ripe. Each fruit may contain up to 200 tiny seeds.
Features not available.
An introduced species declared a Class 1 invasive weed, originally from Central and South America but now recorded naturalised in NEQ near Whyanbeel, Mossman. Altitudinal range from near sea level to 100 m. Grows in rainforest including in deep shade.
Because of the significant threat to Australian rainforests posed by this species considerable effort is being undertaken to eradicate all known plants. Contact the Queensland Department Department of Agriculture and Fisheries phone (13 25 23) for more information.