Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Mitrephora diversifolia (Span.) Miq.

Miquel, F.A.W. (1858) Fl. Ned. Ind. 1(2): 32. Type: Timor, J. Spanoghe. Isolecto: L, MEL. (Fide Jessup (2007).
Flying Duck Flower
Usually grows into a small tree but also flowers and fruits as a shrub. Subrhytidome layer very dark, almost black. Blaze finely layered. Narrow fibrous stripes in the outer blaze.
Leaf blades about 7-18 x 2.5-6 cm. Petioles short, transversely wrinkled. Small oil dots visible with a lens. Fine oak grain in the twigs and expanded rays in the twig bark. Twig bark strong and fibrous when stripped. Terminal buds densely clothed in rusty brown hairs.
Cotyledons ovate, about 25-30 x 20-25 mm, hairy along midrib on upper surface. At the tenth leaf stage: leaves ovate to elliptic, upper surface hairy along midrib, lateral veins about 7 or 8 each side of the midrib; petiole, stem and buds densely clothed in brown hairs. Seed germination time 241 to 243 days.
Occurs in CYP, restricted to the Bamaga, Iron Range and McIlwraith Range areas. Altitudinal range from near sea level to 450 m. Grows in well developed gallery forest. Also occurs in Malesia.