Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Nothocnide repanda (Blume) Blume

Blume, C.L. von (1856) Museum Botanicum Lugduno-Batavum 2: t. 14.
Usually grows as a vine but also flowers and fruits as a shrub about 2-4 m tall. Vine stem diameters to 4 cm recorded. Blaze marked by white granular and darker fibrous stripes.
Stipules linear-triangular, about 1-6 mm long, with a distinct midrib visible on the outer (abaxial) surface, pubescent, bifid at the apex. Leaf blades about 6-15 x 5-7.5 cm, petioles about 1-5 cm long, grooved on the upper surface. Reticulate veins +/- at right angles to the midrib. Basal pair of veins departing from the midrib close to the base of the leaf blade. Twigs marked by vertically elongated pale brown lenticels. Twigs rather pithy. Twig bark strong and fibrous when stripped.
Infructescence up to 10 cm long. Nuts resemble seeds and are obovoid, about 1.5 x 1 mm. Each nut immersed in white succulent tissue.
Features not available.