Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Parsonsia wongabelensis J.B.Williams

Williams, J.B. (1996) Flora Australia 28: 318. Type: Wongabel State Forest, 6 km from Atherton, 7 Jan 1987, B. Gray 4397; holo: QRS.
Arrowhead Vine; Nephthytis; African Evergreen; Vine, Arrowhead; Evergreen, African
Twigs and petioles produce a clear exudate. Leaf blades about 8.5-16 x 4.5-11 cm, petioles about 1-6 cm long. Underside of the leaf blade, twigs and petioles clothed in dull brown hairs. Hairy stipule-like glands about 2 mm long visible on the twigs between the petiole bases and in the leaf axils. 'Oil dots' small, just visible with a lens.
Inflorescence about 12 cm long. Flowers about 4 mm diam., pedicels about 4 mm long. Calyx lobes about 2-2.5 mm long. Corolla tube about 1.5-2 mm long, lobes narrow, about 3-4 mm long. Anthers about 2.5 mm long, filaments about 1-2 mm long. Anthers fused together to form a cone around the style. Pollen white. Disk 5-lobed, surrounding the ovary. Ovary about 1 mm long.
Cotyledons ovate-elliptic, about 21-24 x 12-14 mm, apex bluntly pointed. Petioles clothed in hairs. First leaves ovate-elliptic, both the upper and lower surfaces clothed in hairs, apex acute, base obtuse. About 8 stipule-like glands present on the stems between the bases of the petioles. Seed germination time 19 days.