Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Polyosma rigidiuscula F.Muell. & F.M.Bailey ex F.M.Bailey

Bailey, F.M. (1890) Queensland Department of Agriculture and Stock. Botany Bulletin 1: 4. Type: Summit of Mt. Bartle Frere, Bellenden-Ker Expedition, August 1889.
White granular stripes in the outer blaze. Fine oak grain in the inner blaze.
Fruits glabrous or sparsely puberulous, +/- globular, about 12 x 12 mm. Seeds about 11 x 6 mm, rostrate at the apex.
Cotyledons (when present) linear, about 8-11 mm long. First pair of leaves with deeply serrate margins, often three-pronged. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade oblanceolate to obovate, apex acuminate, base attenuate. Margin with 1-3 peg-like teeth on each side towards the apex. Midrib hairy, +/- flush with the upper surface of the leaf blade. Lowe surface of the leaf blade sparsely clothed in short, translucent, prostrate hairs. Petiole and stem clothed in prostrate hairs. Seed germination time 145 to 260 days.
Endemic to NEQ. Altitudinal range from 950-1600 m. Grows as an understory tree or shrub in mountain rain forest.