Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Proiphys infundibularis D.L.Jones & Dowe

Jones, D.L. & Dowe, J.L. (2001) Austrobaileya 6(1): 121-125. Type: Queensland. North Kennedy District: 22 km W of Townsville, lower slopes of Hervey Range, alt. c. 250 m, 2 Oct 1998, J. L. Dowe 521 (holo BRI; iso CANB, JCT, K, QRS).
Bulbous herb growing in loose colonies. Bulb ovoid, 3-6 x 4-6.5 cm.
Leaves 1-4 per bulb, erect; petiole 15-50 cm long and 4-9 mm wide, shiny bright green and with a prominent midvein; base shallowly cordate; apex acute to shortly acuminate.
Inflorescence an erect umbel; scape 35-90 cm long and 8-14 mm wide, fleshy; umbel 5-14 -flowered; involucral bracts 2, 10-35 x 4-7 mm, papyraceous, whitish; pedicels 15-25 mm long and ca. 1.5 mm diam., fleshy, pale green. Flowers infundibuliform, 4-5 x 4-4.5 cm, white and fragrant, each lasting about 2-4 days; perianth tube 20-25 mm long, nectariferous; lobes obovate to obovate-spathulate, 28-38 x 11-16 mm, obtusae to apiculate, obliquely erect, margins shortly imbricate. Corona 14-16 mm long, the expanded filaments fused for 8-11 mm with adjacent filaments; lobes linear and tapered upwards, 8-10 mm long, acuminate. Stamens 6 and protrudiing from the perianth; filaments 18-30 mm long, white; style protruding from the perianth, 50-55 mm long, white.
Features not available
Plants produce leaves and flower in the wet season, and die back to dormant tubers during the dry season. Very ornamental plants.