Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Rhus taitensis Guill.

Guillemin, J.B.A. (1837) Annales des Sciences Naturelles ser. 2, 7 : 361. Type: Tahiti, Bertero et Moerenhout.
Exudate emerging from layers in the blaze. Lenticels often large and conspicuous, more than 1 cm diameter.
Inflorescence quite large and complex. Calyx lobes broadly ovate, about 0.8-1 mm long. Petals narrowly ovate, elliptic or obovate, glabrous outside, pilose inside for the lower half, about 2-2.5 mm long. Disk 10-lobed. Stamens inserted outside the disk, filaments about 1-1.2 mm long , anthers about 0.8-1 mm long.
Fruits produced in great abundance. Fruits +/- ovoid, but laterally compressed, about 6-8 x 4-8 mm. Seeds enclosed in a hard endocarp. Seeds flattened, about 2-3 mm diam. Cotyledons 3-veined.
Seed germination time 13 to 102 days. Cotyledons ovate, about 7-9 mm long, apex and base obtuse. First pair of leaves trifoliolate, the middle leaflet lobed. At the tenth leaf stage: leaflets ovate, unequal-sided, margin smooth or toothed with 1 or 2 teeth, terminal leaflet toothed or lobed; upper surface of leaf blade with hairs along the midrib, lower surface shortly hairy; petiole and rhachis of compound leaf hairy. Exudate clear.
There are no reported cases of allergic reactions to this species but in view of the bad reputation of the genus, the species should probably be treated with caution.