Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Scleria novae-hollandiae Boeckeler

Boeckeler, J.O. (1875) Flora oder Allgemeine Botanischer Zeitung 58: 120. Type: Port Mackay. Nov. Holland. (Am. D.) .. Herb. Luerssen.
Slender annual with the stems 25-45 cm tall. Base of stems clothed in long hairy sheaths.
Leaves scabrid on the margins and main nerves in the upper third, 2-4 mm wide; sheaths smooth except the pubescent anterior side; contraligule short and rounded with narrow, membranous, ciliate margin.
Inflorescence narrow and elongate, consisting of a terminal panicle and 2-3 remote lateral ones, peduncles ca. exserted from the sheaths, 2-winged at the dilated top; primary bracts erect, overtopping the inflorescence. Spikelets with the nut-bearing ones bisexual; male spikelets shortly peduncled, narroly lanceolate and ca. 4 mm long; nut-bearing spikelets 4.5-5 mm long; glumes broadly ovate-lanceolate, mucronulate. Glumes with roundish keels and the sides streaked reddish brown. Cupula deeply 3-lobed and 1 mm wide. Disk triangular with rounded angles, hardly lobed; scar of cupula deeply 3-lobed.
Features not available.