Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Senna gaudichaudii (Hook. & Arn.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby

Irwin, H.S. & Barneby, R.C. (1982) Memoirs New York Bot. Gardens 35: 80.
Climbing Cassia; Gaudichaud's Senna; Senna, Gaudichaud's; Cassia, Climbing
Usually flowers and fruits as a shrub about 2-3 m tall but can grow into quite a large tree-top vine. Vine stem diameters to 5 cm recorded. Sapwood surface corrugated.
Stipules filiform, about 6-14 mm long, caducous. Leaflet blades about 11-32 x 7-19 mm, leaflet stalks about 1-1.5 mm long. About 10-14 leaflets per compound leaf. Leaflet blades increase in size towards the apex of the compound leaf axis. Compound leaf rhachis shallowly channelled on the upper surface. Compound leaf rhachis, petioles, young leaves and terminal buds clothed in pale or yellowish hairs. One or two clavate glands present on the grooved upper surface of the compound leaf axis between the basal pair of leaflets. Lateral veins not particularly obvious, forming loops inside the blade margin.
Pods flat, about 8-15 x 1-1.5 cm, constricted or compressed between the seeds. Seeds about 4 x 3 mm, +/- shiny black, very hard and difficult to cut. Seeds aligned transversely in the pod. Funicle slender, black. Cotyledons green.
Cotyledons about 9-16 x 9-11 mm. First pair of leaves pinnate, each leaf with about 4-6 leaflets. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf pinnate with about eight leaflets. Leaflet blades +/- elliptic, about 9-15 x 5-6 mm. Stipules filiform, about 3-6 mm long. A conspicuous filiform or narrowly clavate gland present on the upper surface of the compound leaf axis between the basal pair of leaflets. Seed germination time 12 to 67 days.
Occurs in CYP, NEQ, CEQ and southwards to south eastern Queensland. Altitudinal range in NEQ from near sea level to 1000 m. Grows in open eucalypt forest but more commonly found in monsoon forest and rain forest on drier or more marginal sites. Also occurs in Asia, Malesia and the Pacific islands.