Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition

Family Profile
Family Description

A family of about 22 genera and 110 species, pantropic but also found in warm temperate regions; four genera occur naturally in Australia.


Ailanthus - A genus of five species in Asia, Malesia, Australia and the Solomon Islands; two species occur naturally in Australia and one species has become naturalised. Hewson (1985); Nooteboom (1962a, 1962b).

Brucea - A genus of six species in Africa, Asia, Malesia and Australia; one species occurs naturally in Australia. Hewson (1985).

Quassia - A genus of about 40 species, pantropic; four species occur naturally in Australia and one species has become naturalised. Hewson (1985); Nooteboom (1962b).

Samadera - A genus of about 12-13 species in Madagascar, mainland Asia through to SE Asia, Australia, New Caledonia and the Pacific Islands. About 11 species occur naturally in Australia. Clayton et al (2009); Harden (2014); Hewson (1985); Nooteboom (1962b).


Clayton, J.W., Soltis, P.S. & Soltis, D.E. (2009). Recent Long-Distance Dispersal Overshadows Ancient Biogeographical Patterns in a Pantropical Angiosperm Family (Simaroubaceae, Sapindales). Systematic Biology 58: 1-16.

Harden, G.J., Nicholson, H.R.W., McDonald, W.J.F., Nicholson, N.J., Tame, T. & Williams, J. (2014). Rainforest Plants of Australia. Rockhampton to Victoria. Gwen Harden Publishing.

Hewson, H.J. (1985). Simaroubaceae. In 'Flora of Australia.' Vol. 25, (Australian Government Publishing Service: Canberra.), pp. 188-197.

Nooteboom, H.P. (1962a). Simaroubaceae. In 'Flora Malesiana.' Ser. 1, Vol. 6, (P. Noordhoff: Groningen.), pp. 193-226.

Nooteboom, H.P. (1962b). Generic delimitation in Simaroubaceae tribus Simaroubeae and a conspectus of the genus Quassia L. Blumea 11:509-528.

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