Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Symplocos ampulliformis C.T.White

White, C.T. (1939) Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 50: 81. Type: Mount Spurgeon, common in rain-forest, C.T. White, No. 10581 (fruiting specimens), September, 1936 (small tree, fruits green).
Usually grows into a small tree not exceeding 30 cm dbh. Occasionally flowers and fruits as a shrub. Narrow pale brown brittle inclusions in the outer blaze.
Leaf blades about 4-12 x 2-4 cm. Lateral veins forming fairly distinct loops well inside the blade margin particularly towards the apex of the leaf blade.
Inflorescence about 1-2 cm long. Calyx tube glabrous, about 1.5 mm long, lobes about 0.4 mm long. Corolla about 3-3.5 mm long. Stamens about 17-20. Style glabrous, about 3.5-4 mm long.
Cotyledons linear, about 11-13 x 1.5-2 mm. First pair of leaves serrate with 1-3 teeth on each side. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade margin serrate with about 10 or 11 teeth on each side. Seed germination time 69 to 137 days.