Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Syzygium macilwraithianum B.Hyland

Hyland, B.P.M. (1983) Australian Journal of Botany Supplementary Series 9: 99. Type: B. Hyland 2643 RFK, Timber Reserve 14, Leo Creek, 19.ix.1972 (holotypus QRS).
MacIlwraith Range Bark in the Wood; MacIlwraith Satinash
Sections of bark included in the wood. Blaze somewhat sticky and the outer and inner blazes distinct.
Bracts deciduous, absent at anthesis. Buds very characteristic, apex hemispherical, with calyx lobes forming four peripheral lobes, tube (hypanthium) +/- campanulate, but swollen at the base and contracted in the middle, calyx tube (hypanthium) + pedicel about 6-7 mm long, calyx tube (hypanthium) slightly ribbed, about 4-6 mm diam., calyx lobes uniform, concave, +/- triangular, about 2-3 mm long. Petals +/- orbicular, concave, about 5-6 mm diam., oil dots visible, about 100 or more per petal. Outer staminal filaments about 6-9 mm long, anthers about 0.7-0.9 x 0.6-0.7 mm, gland not visible or gland small, inconspicuous, terminal, near the back of the anther. Ovules about 17-22 per locule, placentas central, ovules radiating, ascending. Style about 9-11 mm long, approximating the stamens.
Fruits depressed globular, attaining about 20-30 x 30-40 mm, calyx lobes persistent, about 2-3 mm long, pericarp succulent. Seed solitary, about 10-15 x 20-25 mm, testa adhering to the pericarp and also to the rugose surface of the cotyledons by means of peg-like intrusions, cotyledon texture variable, the peripheral layer being +/- ruminate while the more central section is marked by large, conspicuous, spherical glands, attaining about 1 mm or more diam. Radicle central, cotyledonary stipules present.
This species has no commercial value at present and it is unlikely to produce millable logs as sections of bark are included in the wood. Wood specific gravity 0.75. Hyland (1983).