Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Thespesia populneoides (Roxb.) Kostel.

Kosteletzky, V.F. (1836) Allgemeine Medizinisch-Pharmazeutische Flora 5: 1861.
Tulip Tree; Indian Tulip Tree; Portia Tree; Pacific Rosewood
Shrub or tree to 12 m.
Flowers large, solitary in the leaf axils, pedicels about 2.5-16 cm long. Epicalyx segments 3, falling very early in bud. Calyx +/- cupular with minute teeth, but spreading as the flower develops. Corolla large, about 6-7 cm long, mainly yellow (red towards the base) but turning pink or red throughout following anthesis. Stamens fused to form a central column, anthers horseshoe-shaped. Ovules 4 per locule.
Seed germination time 11 days. Cotyledons transversely elliptic to broadly cuneate or obtriangular, about 17 x 29 mm, 5-veined, numerous dark red glands visible with a lens. At the tenth leaf stage: leaves cordate, apex acuminate, base truncate to shallowly cordate, leaf blade with a scattered reddish scales on the each surface; numerous oil glands visible with a lens; petiole, stem and terminal bud clothed in round or stellate reddish scales; stipules linear, about 2 mm long.
Hibiscus populneoides Roxb., Flora Indica; or descriptions of Indian Plants, by the late William Roxburgh Edn. 2, 3: 191-192 (1832), Lectotype: Wallich 1888.F. Thespesia populnea var. populneoides (Roxb.) Pierre, Flora Forestiere de la Cochinchine 11: t. 173 (1888). Thespesia populnea var. bynoeana Domin, Bibliotheca Botanica 22(89): 965 (1928), Type: "N.S. Wales: leg. BYNOE".