Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Thunbergia mysorensis (Wight) T.Anderson

Beddome, R.H. (1867) Journal of the Linnean Society, Botany 9: 448. Type: India or.
Mysore Trumpet Vine; Lady's Slipper; Vine, Mysore Trumpet
Numerous suckers or runners produced from the base of the stem.
Flowers borne in pendulous racemes about 35-100 cm or more long, pedicels about 3 cm long. Flowers large, about 7 x 4 cm, often subtended by leafy bracts about 30 x 15 mm. Calyx lobes small and inconspicuous, about 3-5 mm long. Perianth constricted around and immediately above the ovary. Staminal filaments about 45 mm long. Anthers about 8-10 mm long, ciliate. Anther locules tailed and bearded at the base. Ovary about 5-6 mm long. Disk cream or yellow, fleshy, surrounding the base of the ovary. Style about 55 mm long. Stigma about 5 mm long, funnel-shaped.
Features not available.
A spectacular evergreen climber cultivated extensively but has now escaped in several areas.