Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Trichospermum pleiostigma (F.Muell.) Kosterm.

Kostermans, A.G.J.H. (1972) Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. 41: 428.
Whitfield Ash; False Commersonia
Blaze darkening on exposure to a bright brown.
Inflorescence densely clothed in stellate hairs. Sepals grey-green inside to almost violet outside, 6-8 mm long, stellate hairy or scaly on the inner and outer surfaces. Petals about 5-7 mm long, white glands at the base surrounded by a tuft of hairs. Staminal filaments purple, about 3-4 mm long, anthers bright yellow. Ovary villous, particularly towards the base, about 1 mm long, stigma +/- sessile.
Cotyledons orbicular, about 2-3 mm diam. First pair of leaves broadly elliptic, margins toothed with about 4-10 teeth on each side. Upper surface clothed in short, white, simple hairs, lower surface clothed in sessile, stellate hairs. At the tenth leaf stage: leaves ovate, apex acute or acuminate, base rounded or cordate, upper surface hairy, margin serrate throughout; petiole, stem and terminal bud clothed in pale hairs; stipules small, ovate, hairy. Seed germination time 10 to 50 days.