Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition

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L107 stems and/or branches twining
L108 tendrils present Tendrils present on the twigs, small branches, leaves, stipules or petioles. Tendrils can take on various forms and may be modifications of a number of other organs, e.g. inflorescences, branches, petioles, stipules etc.
L109 hooks or spines present Hooks or spines present on the twigs, branches, leaves or other vegetative organs. These hooks or spines may or may not be involved in the climbing process.
L110 branches otherwise obviously modified Branches obviously modified, but not forming tendrils, hooks or spines. This is a modification which is sometimes associated with the climbing habit and in such cases the branches project backwards so that the angle in the axil exceeds 90 degrees.
L111 adventitious roots or haustoria present Adventitious roots or haustoria produced by the twigs and small branches. This feature is developed by some vines to facilitate climbing, particularly in their juvenile stages.

Adaptations for climbing

(Appendages or modifications which may or may not be involved in climbing.)

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