Fact Sheet


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Total length

Medium to large (4–30mm) (Figs 1-4).


Northern Territory, Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia (Fig. 5).


Tropical rainforest, swamp, temperate rainforest, open eucalyptus forest, semi-arid areas.


Four. PLS very long (Figs 1-4); segments unequal in length; apical segment elongate, digitiform. Australotheline crescent in front of PMS Fig. 6).


(Fig. 7) Caput of females gently raised, higher than thoracic portion; fovea of females absent or more or less straight.

Eyes (Fig. 7) eight; group tiny, about 0.3 of headwidth; two rows; rows equal in width; on tubercle.

Chelicerae (Fig. 8) fangs longitudinal; retromargin without teeth; middle row of teeth distinct; intercheliceral tumescence in male absent; rastellum absent.

Maxillae (Figs 9-10) longer than wide; anterior lobe absent; serrula a wide band; cuspules absent.

Labium about as wide as long; cuspules absent.

Sternum shield-shaped; with three pairs of sigilla.


Preening combs on metatarsi absent or on III and IV; tarsi with filiform trichobothria for length.

Claws three; paired claws with one row of teeth centrally; third claw dentate; tufts absent.

Scopula absent.

Male Palp

Cymbium aspinose and ascopulate. Bulb pyriform without apophyses.


Curtain webs (Figs 11-12).

Genera included

Australothele, Caledothele, Carrai, Cethegus, Namirea.

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