Fact Sheet

Migidae: Calathotarsinae: Heteromigas

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Total length

Medium to large (4–30mm) (Fig. 1).


Queensland, Tasmania.


Temperate rainforest.


Four. PLS segments unequal in length; apical segment domed or triangular.


(Figs 1-2) Caput steeply raised to vertical posteriorly; fovea of females recurved, or T- or M-shaped.

Eyes (Fig. 3) eight eyes; group about 0.5–0.7 of head-width; two rows; rows equal in width; not on tubercle.

Chelicerae (Fig. 4) fangs longitudinal; profile, outer surface with two distinct longitudinal keels; retromargin with three or more teeth; middle row of teeth distinct; intercheliceral tumescence in male absent; rastellum absent.

Maxillae (Fig. 4) longer than wide; anterior lobe and serrula absent; cuspules in female clustered at anterior inner corner.

Labium wider than long; cuspules absent.

Sternum (Fig. 4) shield-shaped to long, narrow-ovoid; with one pair of sigilla posteriorly.


Tibiae and metatarsi I of females tapered, cylindical, normal, or dorso-ventrally flattened; preening combs on metatarsi absent; tarsi with filiform trichobothria.

Spines not of alternating lengths prolaterally on tibiae and metatarsi I, II.

Claws three; paired claws with one row of teeth centrally; third claw bare; tufts absent.

Scopula in females, absent on legs or only distally on tarsi.

Genera included


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