Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Acacia pravissima
Wedge-leaved wattle, Ovens wattle, Oven wattle, Tumut wattle
Dry forest and woodland, often along streams or in moist sheltered sites. Western Slopes, Kosciuszko National Park, the mountains to the north, ACT, and tablelands. Ranges east of Bombala and near Cathcart.
Tree or shrub to 8 m tall. Fleshy seed stalks/arils. Bark smooth or finely fissured. Branchlets ribbed, angled towards the tips, hairless to sparsely hairy. 'Leaves' scattered, 0.5-1.8 cm long, 3-14 mm wide, more or less triangular with a broadly convex-rounded upper margin, surfaces green to grey-green, hairless or with sparse minute hairs on the margins near the base, 2 longitudinal veins visible with one more prominent than the other, tips with a mucro. 1 small prominent marginal gland 2–7 mm above the base, towards the 'leaf' angle or hump. Flower heads yellow, globular, 6-14 flowered (easiest seen in late buds), 3-4.5 mm in diameter, in elongated clusters of 6-15 flower heads. Flowers Spring to Summer.
Family was Mimosaceae.
All native plants on unleased land in the ACT are protected.
Hybridises with Acacia boormanii and with Acacia vestita.
PlantNET description: (accessed 28 April 2021)
World Wide Wattle photos, line drawings and description:
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