Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Nymphoides montana
Marshwort, Entire Marshwort
Stream banks, mud, and still or slow- to swift-flowing water to 2 m deep. Ranges, tablelands, and the ACT. Occasionally in the Sydney area.
Perennial herb, stems to 2 m long, with long floating stolons to several metres long. Leaves floating when in water, basal and alternating up the stems, more or less round, 2.5–11 cm long, upper surface glossy green or sometimes mottled with maroon, lower surface dotted and pale cream to deep purple, bases strongly cordate, margins entire or shallowly scalloped. Flowers with 5 yellow petals joined together at the base, strongly fringed on the margins and with a transverse row of hairs near the base. Petals 10–20 mm long. Flowers floating when in water, with pairs of flowers at each node, often appearing single. Flowering: spring–autumn.
All native plants on unleased land in the ACT are protected.
Rare Vic.
PlantNET description: (accessed 23 January, 2021)
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