Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Aphyllorchis anomala Dockrill

Dockrill, A.W. (1965) Orchadian 1: 116. Type: Queensland, Davies Creek, 23 Jan. 1965, N. Morris & A.W. Dockrill s. n.; Holo: BRI; Iso: QRS.
Simple Pauper Orchid
Plants pinkish-purple in colour, completely devoid of chlorophyll, about 40-70 cm tall.
Leaves pale, clasping the stem, about 8-12 per plant, without chlorophyll, about 5-30 x 6-10 mm, venation longitudinal and parallel.
Floral bracts 3-veined and 6-8 mm long. Flowers about 3 x 1.7 cm. Sepals about 10-11 mm long. Petals (including the labellum) about 12-14 mm long. Stamen and style united to form a column. Column about 8 mm long. Ovary about 1.6-2 cm long, placentas 3, ovules very numerous. Two erect lobes present at the base and in front of the column. Two lobes present at the top of the column.
Features not available.
Features not available.
Plants lack chlorophyll and live as saprophytes.