Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Barleria strigosa Willd.
Willdenow, C.L. von (1800) Species Plantarum Edn. 4 3(1): 379. Type: India.
Leaves up to 13 cm x 6 cm. Interpetiolar ridge could be mistaken for a stipular scar.
Flowers in congested axillary spikes, often appearing terminall. Flowers emerging only one or two at a time. Each flower subtended by a single leaf-like bract. Calyx comprising two unequal pairs of segments; the outer pair 18-33 mm long x 7 - 22 mm wide with finely toothed margins, the inner pair narrow with entire margins. Corolla two-lipped, upper comprising four +/- equal lobes, the lower lip undivided. Corolla mauve or bluish-mauve, floral tube white. Carpels partially enclosed by lobed disc. Fertile stamens 4, exserted from floral tube, 2 reduced stamens deep within floral tube. Anthers grey.
Not available.