Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Bauhinia monandra Kurz

Kurz, W.S. (1873) Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 42(2) : 73. Type: Burma, Martaban? (Dr. Brandis).
Bauhinia, Pink; Butterfly Flower; Pink Bauhinia
Usually grows into a tree but also flowers and fruits as a vine.
Cotyledons thick and fleshy, venation difficult to discern but 5 veins radiate from the base of each cotyledon. Cotyledonary stipules numerous. First pair of leaves orbicular, deeply bilobed or incised almost to the point of being compound with two leaflets. Stipules about 0.5-2 mm long. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade much paler on the underside, deeply divided to form two lobes with all the venation (about 9 veins) radiating from the base. Midrib extending beyond the leaf blade as an aristate tip 2 mm or more long. Stipules hairy, narrowly triangular, about 2 mm long. Roots emit an odour like that of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). Seed germination time 39 days.
An introduced species of uncertain origin, perhaps originating in South America, now naturalised in CYP, NEQ and southwards as far as CEQ. Altitudinal range probably small, from near sea level to 100 m. Grows in disturbed areas particularly in gallery forest.
This species may have some anti-bacterial properties.
This species is frequent in gardens. Corner (1988).