Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Cryptocarya mackinnoniana F.Muell.
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1865) Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae 5: 169. Type: In tractu montano Seaview Range pone sinum Rockingham Bay. Dallachy.
Laurel, Rusty; Laurel, Rusty Leaved; Mackinnon's Laurel; Mackinnon's Walnut; Rusty Laurel; Rusty Leaved Laurel; Rusty-leaved Walnut; Walnut, Mackinnon's
A thin cream or pale brown layer normally visible under the subrhytidome layer before the first section of the outer blaze. Blaze odour resembling pine (Pinus spp.) resin.
Twigs fluted, densely clothed in a mixture of hairs, some long and tortuous, others shorter and almost papillate, dark brown and pale brown, mainly erect, persisting even on quite old twigs. Round or longitudinally elongated lenticels normally visible on the older twigs. Leaf blades about 13-35 x 4.5-8.5 cm, slightly glaucous on the underside, clothed in tortuous, brown, erect hairs. Midrib depressed on the upper surface. Petioles ridged, flat or channelled on the upper surface. Reticulate veins conspicuously raised on the underside of the leaf blade, forming a very definite network. Oil dots visible, with difficulty, with a lens.
Fruits, spotted with conspicuous lenticels, usually ellipsoid sometimes ovoid or obpyriform, about 19-28 x 13-17 mm. Cotyledons cream to yellowish.
First pair of leaves elliptic to ovate, about 50-60 x 30-35 mm, somewhat glaucous on the underside. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade slightly glaucous on the underside; young leaves hairy on both surfaces, older leaves retain some very short hairs along the midrib on the upper surface; oil dots just visible with a lens. Seed germination time 20 to 103 days.
Fruit eaten by several species of birds. Cooper & Cooper (1994).
This species has little commercial value. It grows large enough to produce millable logs but it is seldom utilized as it is not popular with the sawmilling fraternity. Wood specific gravity 0.85-0.91. Hyland (1989).