Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Decalobanthus peltatus (L.) A.R.Simoes & Staples
Simoes, A.R. & Staples, G.W. (2017) Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 183: 571.
Vine stem diameters to 9 cm recorded. Bark exudate copious. Vessels very large and conspicuous, readily visible to the naked eye.
Flowers large, about 5-6 cm diam., perfume unpleasant. Sepals thick and fleshy, about 20-25 mm long. Corolla tube about 45 mm long, lobes about 15 mm long. Stamens attached near the base of the corolla tube, filaments about 8-20 mm long, basal section clothed in curly hairs, anthers about 5-11 mm long, curled in a spiral, tuberculate, pollen white. Ovary about 25 mm long, ovules 2 per locule. Disk 2-5 mm high. Style about 18 mm long, stigma globular or 2-lobed, tuberculate (?)
Cotyledons about 22-30 x 50-60 mm with two divaricate arms or lobes so that each cotyledon has the outline shape of a boomerang. Midrib forking below the apex and not extending to the apex. First leaves ovate, apex acuminate, base peltate. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade ovate, apex very narrowly acuminate (caudate), base peltate. Midrib raised on the upper surface. Stems twining. Seed germination time 15 days.
Merremia peltata (L.) Merr., An Interpretation of Rumphius's Herbarium Amboinensis : 441 (1917). Ipomoea peltata (L.) Choisy, Memoires de la Societe de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve 6 : 452 (1833). Convolvulus peltatus L., Species plantarum : 1194(1753). Argyreia soutteri (Bailey) Domin, Bibliotheca Botanica 89(6): 1087 (1928). Ipomoea menispermacea Domin, Bibliotheca Botanica 89(4): 1089 (1928), Type: Nordost-Queensland: Regenwalder bei Harveys Creek, mit dunkelgranem Laub; dichte Gehange bilden (DOMIN I. 1910).