Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition

Dryadodaphne trachyphloia Schodde

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Scale bar 10mm. © CSIRO
10th leaf stage. © CSIRO

Schodde, R. (2007) Flora of Australia 2: 456. Type: Qld, Mt Spurgeon, 16 Apr. 1968, B. Hyland & R.F. Grimes 1496 RFK; Holo: BRI; Iso: CANB, MEL, QRS.

Common name

Grey Sassafras; Ladei; Sassafras, Grey


Crown formation closely resembling that of large trees of Kauri Pine (Agathis robusta). Blaze odour faint and not resembling sarsaparilla. Minute ray pattern in the inner blaze.


Leaf blades about 4.5-11 x 2-3.5 cm. Oil dots visible with a lens. Petioles channelled and midrib depressed on the upper surface. Twigs very brittle.


Flowers about 9-10 mm diam. when fully open. Tepals with pink or reddish markings on the inner surface. Two large glands at the base of each anther on the outer surface. Anthers with a spathulate or triangular-shaped appendage at the apex.


Fruiting receptacle +/- lageniform or spindle-shaped splitting to release what appear to be plumed seeds (actually plumed fruits). Plumes about 20 mm long overall with individual hairs attached to the tail of the plume and the fruiting carpel.


Cotyledons ovate, about 7-8 x 3-4 mm. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade obovate, apex acute, base attenuate, glabrous; stem 4-angled and winged. Seed germination time 41 to 49 days.

Distribution and Ecology

Endemic to NEQ, restricted to the area north of Mt Lewis. Altitudinal range from 400-1200 m. Grows in well developed upland and mountain rain forest, normally found along creeks and gullies.

Natural History & Notes

Grows to a large size and produces a general purpose timber.

Wood specific gravity 0.54. Cause et al. (1989).

Dryadodaphne sp. (Mt Lewis BH 1496RFK), Australian Tropical Rain Forest Trees Shrubs & Vines : (2003). Dryadodaphne novoguineensis (J.R. Perkins)) A.C. Sm., Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland 69: 49(1958).
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