Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Elaeocarpus sericopetalus F.Muell.
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1868) Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae 6: 171. Type: In montibus orariis ad sinum Rockinghams Bay; Dallachy, (holotype MEL?; isotypes BRI n.v., L. [M.J.E.Coode, Kew Bull. 39 (1984).
Ash, Blueberry; Blueberry Ash; Hard Quandong; Northern Hard Quandong; Quandong, Hard; Quandong, Northern Hard
Lenticels rather large and split so that they sometimes resemble flowers, e.g. a rose (Rosa spp.).
Leaf blades about 6-10 x 1.5-3 cm. Lateral veins forming fairly distinct loops well inside the blade margin. About 10-20 teeth on each side of the leaf blade.
Fruits globular-ellipsoid, about 12-13 x 10-11 mm. Endocarp finely tuberculate-rugose.
Cotyledons linear, about 15 x 2 mm. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade narrowly elliptic, apex acuminate, base attenuate, margin finely serrate, teeth aristate at the apex, glabrous; stipules very small, triangular, hairy. Seed germination time 80 to 561 days.
Produces a useful general purpose timber.
Wood specific gravity 0.75. Cause et al. (1989).