Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Eleocharis ochrostachys Steud.

Steudel, E.G. von (1855) Synopsis Plantarum Glumacearum 2: 80. Type: Zollinger 266; ; Indonesia: Java (P).
Spike rush
Sheaths membranous and closelt appressed and purplish at the base.
Spikelet cylindrical, broader than the stem, acute, pale green, 10-20 x 3-4 mm; glumes firm and loosely imbricate, appressed, obtuse, many nerved with a prominent midnerve, 4-5 x 2-3.5 mm, with broad papery margins Bristles 5-7, coarse, 2-3 times as long as the nut, retrorsely scabrous in the upper half.
Nut turgidly and unequally biconvex and ribbed on the margins with horizontal cells inbetween, obovate to broadly obovate, with an annular prominence ca. ½-¾ as wide as the nut at the apex, shining straw-colored to grey, 1.5-2 mm long, longitudinal ridges prominent. Style base deltoid, flat and dark brown.
Features not available.