Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Ficus scobina Benth.

Bentham, G. (1873) Flora Australiensis 6: 176. Type: N. Australia, Lizard Island, A. Cunningham; Port Essington, Leichhardt; Port Darwin, Schultz, n. 6, 410, 499.
Sandpaper Fig
Leaves opposite or alternate, obovate, lamina 5-16 cm long x 3-8 cm wide, scabrid (sandpapery); lateral veins 8-13 pairs; petiole to 1 cm long; stipules to 5 mm long. Adventitious shoots may produce linear to narrowly onlong scabrid leaves similar to those of F. podocarpifolia.
Male flowers with 4-5 tepals; stamens 1 or 2. Female and gall flowers pedicellate; tepals 5.
Figs axillary and rarely cauliflorous, globular, 1 cm diam., scabrid; ostiole to 3 mm diam., slightly raised with protruding apical bracts.
Features not available.
Occurs in the Kimberley Region of WA and in NT. Altitudinal range from near sea level to 250 m. Usually found along watercourses in monsoon forest.
Closely related to F. opposita from which it differs in leaf venation and habitat preference.