Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Pandanus cookii Martelli
Martelli, U. (1914) Webbia; raccolta di scritti botanici 4(2): 401. Type: Australia: Nord Queensland (H. Berol.). Nella mia collezione vi è un bellissimo esemplare inviatomi nel 1904 dal missionario Dempsey raccolto nei dintorni di Cook Town.
Common name
Screw pine, Cook's; Cook's screw pine; Pandan, Cook's
Tree to ca. 10 m tall. Prop roots are present, ca. 30 cm long, slender. Bark with dense erect aerial roots. Plants male or female.
Features not available.
Distribution and Ecology
Occurs in CYP, NEQ and CEQ. Altitudinal range from near sea level to 500 m. Grows in rainforest, riparian forest, vine thickets, woodland and open forest.
Pandanus angulatus H.St.John, Pacific Science; a quarterly devoted to the biological and physical sciences of the pacific region 16: 291(1962), Type: T: Australia, North Queensland, 10 miles s.s.e. of Cooktown towards Archer Point savanna, 2 Pandanus whitei Martelli, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 36: 129(1925), Type: T: Low savannah country near Townsville, North Queensland. Legit C.T. White, 3rd January, 1922 (Herbarium Martelli). Pandanus subinermis H.St.John, Pacific Science; a quarterly devoted to the biological and physical sciences of the pacific region 16: 335(1962), Type: Australia, North Queensland, 6 miles s. of White Cliff Point, and 18 miles n. of Cairns, 1 Pandanus truncatus H.St.John, Pacific Science; a quarterly devoted to the biological and physical sciences of the pacific region 15: 573(1961), Type: T: Australia, Queensland, Cape York Peninsula, Lockerbie, 10 mi. WSW of Somerset, common an Pandanus humifer H.St.John, Pacific Science; a quarterly devoted to the biological and physical sciences of the pacific region 23: 106(1969), Type: T: Australia, Queensland, North Kennedy District, Ravenswood, scattered singly or in groups, Pandanus exarmatus H.St.John, Pacific Science; a quarterly devoted to the biological and physical sciences of the pacific region 16: 302(1962), Type: T: Australia, North Queensland, by airstrip, 5 miles w.n.w. of Cooktown, savanna, 10 ft alt Pandanus pluriangulatus H.St.John, Pacific Science; a quarterly devoted to the biological and physical sciences of the pacific region 16: 315(1962), Type: T: Australia, North Queensland, 9.3 miles n. of Mossman, open forest near sea beach wi Pandanus ferrimontanus H.St.John, Pacific Science; a quarterly devoted to the biological and physical sciences of the pacific region 15: 565(1961), Type: T: Australia, Queensland, Cape York Peninsula, Iron Range, scattered or gregarious in g Pandanus endeavourensis H.St.John, Pacific Science; a quarterly devoted to the biological and physical sciences of the pacific region 16: 300(1962), Type: T: Australia, North Queensland, by airstrip, 5 miles w.n.w. of Cooktown, savanna, 10 f Pandanus australiensis H.St.John, Pacific Science; a quarterly devoted to the biological and physical sciences of the pacific region 16: 293(1962), Type: T: Australia, North Queensland, 10 miles s.s.e. of Cooktown, towards Archer Point, rain Pandanus kennedyensis H.St.John, Pacific Science; a quarterly devoted to the biological and physical sciences of the pacific region 23: 108(1969), Type: T: Australia, Queensland, North Kennedy District, 10 miles south of Ingham, grassland ne
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