Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Ardisia crenata Sims

Sims, J. (1820) Bot. Mag. : t1950. Type: China.
Hen's Eyes; Coral Berry
Usually flowers and fruits as a shrub about 1-2 m tall, sometimes flowers when smaller.
Flowers about 7-12 mm diam. on slender pedicels about 6-12 mm long. Calyx lobes about 1 mm long, petals about 4-5 mm long, both marked by globular (orbicular) and elongated reddish oil glands. Anthers sagittate, pollen white. Ovary unilocular, placentation basal, ovules 3, immersed in a globular placenta.
First pair of leaves ovate to elliptic: margins crenate. Red oil dots visible to the naked eye. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade elliptic to ovate, glabrous, about 70-80 x 35-40 mm, apex obtuse to retuse, base cuneate, margin deeply crenate, petiole about 6 mm long. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade margin crenate with about 4-8 teeth on each side. Oil dots numerous, red, visible to the naked eye. Lateral veins extend from the midrib to a vein near the margin which could be classed as an intramarginal vein. Terminal bud and stem clothed in small +/- sessile pale-coloured glands which are visible with a lens. Seed germination time 61 to 92 days.