Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Beilschmiedia volckii B.Hyland
Hyland, B.P.M. (1989) Australian Systematic Botany 2: 156. Type: A.K. Irvine 464, Boonjee, Timber Reserve 1230, 15.ii.1973 (QRS, holotypus).
Blush Walnut; Walnut, Blush; Walnut, Boonjee Blush; Boonjee Blush Walnut
A thin cream or pale brown layer generally visible beneath the subrhytidome layer before the first section of the outer blaze.
Twigs +/- terete, clothed in straight, appressed, pale brown hairs when young but almost glabrous when older. Leaf blades about 12-27 x 6.5-11 cm, green and glabrous on the underside, clothed in straight, appressed, pale brown hairs only when young. Midrib pale, +/- translucent, slightly depressed or flush with the upper surface. Petioles flat on the upper surface. Oil dots visible with a lens. Pale brown lenticels usually obvious on the leaf bearing twigs.
Fruits about 45-67 x 43-65 mm. Cotyledons burgundy in colour.
Flesh of fallen fruit eaten by Musky Rat-kangaroos. Cooper & Cooper (1994). This species produces millable logs and the sawn timber is of high quality and is marketed as Boonjee Blush Walnut, a useful cabinet and general purpose timber. Wood specific gravity 0.53-0.56. Hyland (1989).