Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Bubbia whiteana A.C.Sm.

Smith, A.C. (1943) Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 24: 145. Type: Queensland, Daintree River region, 14 Mar. 1932, Brass 2278; holo: A.
Usually grows into a small tree but also flowers and fruits as a shrub.
Cotyledons orbicular, about 7 mm diam., underside white. Hypocotyl longitudinally striated. First pair of leaves obovate, underside white. Midrib depressed on the upper surface of the leaf blade. Petioles reddish. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade obovate, margins strongly recurved, Leaf blade almost white on the underside. Petioles about 1-2 mm long. Lateral veins difficult to discern. Seed germination time 398 days.
Endemic to NEQ, known only from the Thornton Peak and Mt Pieter Botte areas. Altitudinal range from 800-1500 m. Grows as an understory plant in mountain rain forest.