Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Centotheca philippinensis (Merr.) C.Monod

Monod de Froideville, C. (1971) Blumea 19(1): 60.
Creek grass
Culms solitary or loosely tufted, erect, smooth, 40-100 cm tall, 4-7-noded.
Leaf sheaths smooth or ciliate along one margin; leaf blades broadly lanceolate, 5-15 × 1-2.5 cm, abaxial surface glabrous with cross veins, adaxial surface glabrous or loosely hispidulous, apex long-attenuate; ligule 1-1.5 mm.
Panicle open, 12-25 cm, primary branches up to 15 cm, the spikelets clustered around them; pedicels 2.5-3 mm, slender, pubescent. Spikelets ca. 5 mm, florets 2-3; glumes 3-5-veined; lower glume 2-2.5 mm, acute; upper glume 3-3.5 mm, mucronate; lowest lemma ca. 4 mm, 7-veined, glabrous, apex apiculate; second and third lemmas 3-3.5 mm, coarsely setose with tubercle-based, reflexing bristles near upper margins; paleas firm, ciliolate along keels. Outer glumes glabrous, about 4 mm long.
Features not available.