Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Cyperus triceps (Rottb.) Endl.
Endlicher, S.L. (1842) Catalogus Horti Academici Vindobonensis 1: 94.
Tufted perennial with a short creeping rhizome, obtusely trigonous. Stems up to 20-30 cm tall, base covered by brownish disintegrating sheaths.
Leaves ca. 8 per culm (stem). Leaf blades 30-200 x 1-5 mm, margins finely toothed, midrib finely toothed on the underside.
Flowers arranged in dense heads 8-10 x 4-7 mm. subtended by 4 linear bracts up to 120 mm long. Spikelets oblong and strongly compressed, pale green to whitish. Each flower ca. 3 x 1 mm. Glumes with spinulose green keel, longitudinally veined, sparsely clothed in hairs. Anthers ca. 0.5 mm long. Filaments ca.2 mm long. Ovary laterally compressed, 0.6-1.2 x 0.5 mm. Style single. Stigmas 2. Ovule solitary.
Features not available.
Occurs in NEQ from Mareeba southwards to Lolworth. Altitudinal range from 390-663 m. Grows in damp places in Eucalypt forest. Also from Africa, India to China.
Used for treating diabetes and fever (Johnson 1999).