Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Distimake tuberosus (L.) A.R.Simoes & Staples

Simoes, A.R. & Staples, G.W. (2017) Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 183: 575.
Spanish Arbour-Vine; Wood Rose
Vine stem diameters to 3 cm recorded. Milky exudate copious.
Leaf blades deeply and palmately divided usually with 7 lobes, leaf blades about 8.5-14 x 9.5-18 cm overall, petioles about 5.5-12 cm long. Oil dots streaky. Each lobe of the leaf blade has a major middle vein and attached lateral veins. Stems and petioles produce a milky exudate.
Inflorescence a 2 to 7-flowered raceme about 7-13 cm long. Calyx lobes glabrous, about 30 x 20-25 mm clasping the base of the flower. Corolla trumpet-shaped, about 4.5-5.5 x 5 cm. Stamens irregular in length, about 6-18 mm long. Filaments thickened and hairy towards the base. Anthers about 6 mm long with two rows of glands on the back. Disk about 1.5 mm high, surrounding the ovary. Ovary globose, about 3 mm diam. Style about 15 mm long. Stigma globose, 4-lobed. Ovules 2 per locule.
First leaves glabrous, deeply and narrowly palmately five-lobed. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade palmatisect, five-lobed, sometimes appearing seven-lobed because of additional lobing on the basal pair of lobes. Midrib and lateral veins depressed on the upper surface. Minute oil dots barely visible with a lens. Plant twining. Seed germination time 34 days.
This species may have medicinal properties. It is also used as a hallucinogen.
Merremia tuberosa (L.) Rendle, Flora Tropical Africa 4: 104 (1905). Ipomoea tuberosa L., Species Plantarum : 160(1753), Type: Tropical regions.