Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Endiandra bellendenkerana B.Hyland

Hyland, B.P.M. (1989) Australian Systematic Botany 2: 221. Type: B. Gray 2948, Frenchmans Creek, Reserve 843 Bellenden Ker, 26.i.1983 (QRS, holotypus).
A small tree not exceeding 30 cm dbh. Blaze odour noticeable, difficult to describe, but rather aromatic. A cream or pale brown layer usually visible beneath the subrhytidome layer before the first section of the outer blaze.
Twigs +/- terete, clothed in tortuous, erect, white or pale brown hairs. Leaf blades about 9-12 x 4-5 cm, green on the underside, sometimes slightly glaucous, clothed in tortuous, erect, pale brown hairs. Midrib depressed on the upper surface. Petioles flat on the upper surface. Oil dots visible with a lens.
Tepals about 0.8-1.2 mm long, outer tepals geniculate, enclosing and clasping the inner tepals. Staminal glands +/- fused into three masses, the glands on each anther being fused together. Staminodes three, hairy, differentiated into a head and stalk.
Fruits ellipsoid, about 20-26 x 10-15 mm. Seed about 20-23 x 11-12 mm. Cotyledons cream.
First pair of leaves ovate, about 55-70 x 23-35 mm, slightly glaucous on the underside. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade slightly glaucous on the undersurface, upper surface with a few scattered pale hairs, more common along the midrib and lateral veins; oil dots numerous, clearly visible with a lens. Seed germination time 39 to 58 days.
Endemic to NEQ, restricted to the area between Harvey Creek and the North Johnstone River. Altitudinal range from sea level to 250 m. Grows as an understory tree in very wet, well developed lowland rain forest.
This species has no commercial value as it does not grow large enough to produce millable logs. Wood specific gravity 1.0. Hyland (1989).