Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Lithomyrtus obtusa (Endl.) N.Snow & Guymer

Snow, N. & Guymer, G.P. (1999) Austrobaileya 5(2): 194.
Beach Myrtella
Usually flowers and fruits as a shrub about 1-2 m tall.
Calyx tube (hypanthium) clothed in silver hairs, calyx lobes reflexed, with the tips almost touching the hypanthium at anthesis. Petals about 7-8 mm long.
Fruits about 9-10 mm long. Calyx lobes about 3 mm long, reflexed, persistent at the apex of the fruit. Cotyledons rolled, much wider than the radicle. Seeds arranged one above the other in the fruit.
Cotyledons linear, about 20-22 x 2 mm, slightly hairy on the upper surface. First pair of leaves linear, opposite. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade linear, apex acute, base attenuate, margin recurved. Leaf blade underside clothed in matted white gossamer-like hairs. Petiole very short. Stem and terminal bud clothed in white or pale coloured hairs. Seed germination time 25 days.
Occurs in CYP, NEQ, CEQ and southwards as far as south-eastern Queensland. Altitudinal range in northern Australia from near sea level to about 100 m. Usually grows on sand dunes close to the sea and the vegetation can be open forest, vine thickets, low closed forest or monsoon forest. Also occurs in New Guinea.
A beautiful small shrub well worthy of cultivation. Does best in well drained coastal soils and healthy plants cover themselves in pink to purple flowers.