Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Melicope elleryana (F.Muell.) T.G.Hartley

Hartley, T.G. (1990) Telopea 4(1): 34.
Corkwood; Pink Doughwood; Pink-flowered Evodia; Evodia; Doughwood, Pink; Pink Evodia; Pink Flowered Doughwood; Pink Euodia; Spermwood
Oil dots visible with a lens if not visible to the naked eye. Leaflet blades about 8-19 x 3.5-7.5 cm. Stalk of the middle leaflet slightly longer than those of the lateral leaflets, all three grooved on the upper surface. Old leaves turn yellow prior to falling. Freshly broken twigs have a somewhat mousy odour.
Inflorescences produced on the branches below or back from the leaves. Sepals about 1.5-2 mm long. Petals about 5-6.5 mm long, glabrous on the outer surface, pubescent on the inner surface. Staminal filaments glabrous. Disk yellow-green, pubescent, continuous, surrounding the ovary. Ovary pubescent.
Seeds eaten by pigeons. Cooper & Cooper (1994).
Food plant for the larval stages of the Ulysses Butterfly. Common & Waterhouse (1981).
A commonly cultivated tree that is fast growing and produces masses of pink flowers which are attractive to birds.
Produces a useful general purpose timber.
Wood specific gravity 0.61. Cause et al. (1989).