Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Melicope jonesii T.G.Hartley

Hartley, T.G. (2001) Allertonia 8: 196. Type: Queensland, State Forest Reserve 185 Danbulla, Robson Logging Area, 18 Jan. 1979, B. Gray 1232; holo: CANB; iso: QRS.
Bark somewhat corky towards the base of the stem. Blaze odour difficult to describe, sometimes mousy.
Leaves trifoliolate (seldom otherwise). Leaflet blades about 6-15 x 2-7.5 cm. Stalk of the middle leaflet slightly longer than those of the lateral leaflets. Lateral veins forming loops inside the blade margin. Oil dots very numerous and leaflets aromatic when crushed.
Sepals about 1 x 2 mm, rounded at the apex. Petals about 5 mm long, recurved in the upper third and with a short hook at the apex. Petals glabrous on the outer surface, pubescent on the lower half of the inner surface. Staminal filaments glabrous. Disk yellow, obscurely lobed, continuous, glabrous, surrounding the lower half of the ovary. Ovary glabrous.
Cotyledons elliptic, about 10 x 7 mm, finely crenate about the margins. Oil dots very small, occurring about the margins. At the tenth leaf stage: lateral leaflets unequal-sided at the base; oil dots numerous. Seed germination time 72 to 119 days.