Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Mitrasacme oasena Dunlop
Dunlop, C.R. in Orchard, A.E. (1996) Flora of Australia 28: 35, 308. Type: Spring Creek Gorge, Carnarvon Range, Qld, 26 Oct. 1933, C.T.White 9444; holo: BRI.
Leaf blades 4.5-13 x 2-5 mm with stiff erect hairs on the upper surface and along the midrib on the lower surface.
Inflorescences in few-flowerewd umbellate clusters, 10-18 mm long. Flowers ca. 7 mm diam. On pedicels up to 40 mm long; Sepals green, ca. 3 mm long, fused for about half their length, campanulate, tube 1.5-2.2 mm long; lobes triangular, 1-2 mm long, with short stiff hairs at the apex. Corolla white except for the 2-4 mm green tube, throat clothed in short stiff hairs, lobes strongly obtuse, 1.2-5 mm long, inner surface of the tube clothed in globose, pale glands. Stamens ca. 1 mm long. Styles fused for most of their length.
Features not available.