Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Orites excelsus R.Br.

Brown, R. (1830) Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae - Suppl. 1 : 32. Type: NSW, Hastings River, 1818, C. Fraser.
Silky Oak; Southern Silky Oak; Oak, Southern Silky; Red Ash; Oak, Silky; Ash, Prickly; Mountain Silky Oak; Oak, Mountain Silky; White Beefwood; Prickly Ash
Oak grain in the wood and a corresponding pattern in the inner blaze.
Flowers paired, sessile or shortly pedicellate, without a common peduncle. Tepals about 8 mm long. Hypogynous glands four, subulate. Ovary sessile, ferruginous hairy. Ovules 2.
Cotyledons obovate-oblong about 15 mm long. First few leaves elliptic, margin serrate. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade linear-elliptic, margin irregularly serrate from the base to the apex, each tooth with a short mucro; upper surface with a few scattered, pale hairs, more numerous along the midrib, undersurface with numerous, short, pale brown, prostrate hairs visible with a lens. Terminal bud densely clothed in brown, prostrate hairs. Seed germination time 30 days.