Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Ormosia ormondii (F.Muell.) Merr.

Merrill, E.D. (1943) Sargentia 3: 79.
Yellow Bean; Bean, Yellow
Bark brownish or khaki coloured. Blaze odour resembling that of green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris).
Compound leaves usually whorled or clustered in groups on the twigs. Leaflet blades about 7-21 x 3.5-8 cm. Midrib depressed on the upper surface of the leaflet blade, leaflet stalk slightly swollen, and transversely wrinkled but with a groove on the upper surface. Lateral veins curved throughout their length and forming only indistinct loops inside the blade margin.
First pair of leaves ovate to narrowly cordate. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf or leaflet blades ovate, apex acuminate, base rounded, glabrous, very small scale leaves sometimes occur at the base of the pulvinus before the leaves are trifoliolate. Seed germination time 26 to 251 days.
A medium to large tree suitable for parks and street plantings. The large bunches of pink flowers are attractive to Honeyeaters and Parrots.
Produces a useful general purpose timber.