Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Family Profile
Family Description
Six to eight genera and ca. 780 species: mostly in tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres but extending into temperate regions. 2 genera in Australia.
Biophytum - A Pantropical genus of ca. 70 species; 1 species introduced and naturalised in Australia.
Oxalis - A Cosmopolitan genus of ca. 700 species mainly from South America and the Cape Region in South Africa; ca. 9 native species in Australia and 13 naturalised species.
Thompson, J. (1982). Oxalis in Australia. Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 32: 4-6.
Jaspars, T.W. (1986). Oxalidaceae. Flora of South Australia. 4th edn 2: 709-716.
Conn, B.J. (1992). Oxalidaceae. Flora of New South Wales. 3: 17-22.
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