Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Pandanus solmslaubachii F.Muell.

Mueller, F.J.H. von (1887) Botanische Zeitung 45: 218. Type: Endeavour River, Australia, W. Persich.
Swamp Pandan; Pandan, Swamp
Tree often 6-10 m tall, up to 20 m tall, trunk to 8 m. Crown much branched. Trunk with spiny conical nodules (warty) and often with dense, erect adventitious rootlets. Few to many prop roots or may be absent. Plants male or female. Plants may produce pups along the stem.
Leaves on juveniles longer and broader, on adults ca. 2 m long x 6-8 cm wide, apex acuminate with a fine subulate apex. At base without spines on margins and midrib below; above base, spines present, pointing towards leaf tip on margins and midrib, rarely a few prickles pointing towards base. At apex spines present, pointing towards leaf tip on margins and midrib.
A terminal spike. Inflorescence male or female. Male flowers: Inflorescence terminal, pendulous, to ca. 100 cm long. Female flowers: inflorescences of 110-127 segments (phalanges or multiple fused flowers). Individual flowers sessile, hard, 10-31 are grouped into segments (phalanges).
Fruit a multiple fruit, orange, about 30 cm long x 15-25 cm diam., with 19-127 segments (phalanges) per cone. Each segment about 5.55-6 x 1.5-5 cm, tapered at each end, apex truncate, widest point ca. 15 mm from apex. Seeds cylindrical with tapered ends, about 10-22 x 1.5-2 mm, white.
First pair of true leaves have sharp spine-like teeth on the margins and also along the midrib on the underside of the leaf blade. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade linear, sessile, with numerous well spaced sharp spine-like teeth along the margins and along the midrib on the underside of the leaf blade. Marginal spines pointing upwards, midrib spines pointing downwards. Venation longitudinal, midrib depressed on the upper surface of the leaf blade. Leaf bases sheathing stem. Seed germination time 55 days.